Abbey Stratford upon Avon 21 Wood Street
HSBC ATM Stratford Upon Avon 13 Chapel Street
HSBC Stratford-upon-Avon
NatWest Stratford upon Avon 31 Rother Street
Alliance & Leicester Stratford-Upon-Avon
Barclays Stratford upon Avon Market Street
Barclays ATM Stratford
Lloyds TSB Stratford Upon Avon

0.1mile GB-Caterham House +44-1789-267309

0.1mile GB-Stratheden +44-1789-297119

0.1mile WiFi The Falcon Hotel Stratford upo

0.2mile Abbey Stratford upon Avon 21 Wood S

0.2mile GB-Twelfth Night +44-1789-414595

0.2mile GB-Virginia Lodge +44-1789-292157

0.2mile GB-White Swan +44-1789-297022

0.2mile HSBC ATM Stratford Upon Avon 13 Cha

0.2mile HSBC Stratford-upon-Avon

0.2mile GB-Montpelier Gallery +44-1789-2611

0.2mile NatWest Stratford upon Avon 31 Roth

0.2mile GB-Moon Edward +44 1789 267069

0.2mile WiFi Chicago Rock Cafe

0.3mile Alliance & Leicester Stratford-Upon

0.3mile Barclays Stratford upon Avon Market

0.3mile Barclays ATM Stratford

0.3mile GB-Shakespeare Hotel +44-870-400818

0.3mile GB-Stratford Victoria +44-1789-2710

0.3mile Lloyds TSB Stratford Upon Avon

0.3mile GB-Arms and Armour Museum +44-1789-

0.3mile GB-Shakespeares Birthplace +44-1789

0.3mile GB-Teddy Bear Museum +44-1789-29316

0.3mile Shell Evesham Rd-24hr

0.3mile RL-30 GB

0.3mile GB-Marlowes +44 1789 204999

0.3mile GB-Oppo Restaurant The +44 1789 269

0.3mile Shell Evesham Rd

0.3mile WiFi Rose & Crown

0.4mile Dynamic (Attractions) Ltd +44 1789

0.4mile GB-Payton +44-1789-266442

0.4mile GB-Arden Thistle +44-1789-294949

0.4mile GB-Stratford House +44-1789-268288

0.4mile GB-Shakespeare Company Collection +

0.4mile GB-A Restaurant Margaux +44 1789 26

0.4mile GB-Encore Beefeater The +44 1789 26

0.4mile GB-Hamiltons Bar & Brasserie +44 17

0.4mile GB-Quartos +44 1789 403415

0.5mile GB-Stratford Upon Avon +44-870-3339

0.5mile GB-World of Shakespeare +44-1789-26

0.5mile Avon Snooker Centre +44 (1789) 292-

0.5mile WiFi Avon Snooker

0.6mile Best Western Hotel Stratford upon A